Course curriculum

    1. Navigating this Course

    2. Course Overview

    3. Course Objectives

    4. About CHADD

    5. Online Communities

    6. Pre-Course Survey

    1. Overview

    2. Introduction

    1. Self-Control

    2. Misbehavior

    3. Communication

    4. Inefficient Structure and Routines

    5. Environment / Organization: Too Chaotic or Too Rigid

    6. Parenting Challenges for Adults with ADHD

    7. When Moms Have ADHD

    8. When Dads Have ADHD

    9. Siblings Relationships

    10. Parents Disagree

    11. What Does Your Child Need to Know?

    12. Session Reflection

    13. Session Reflection Activity | What household situations over the last week had the most chaos?

    1. Overview

    2. Proactive and Reactive Strategies

    3. Keep Your Child's Challenges in Mind

    1. Self-Control Strategies: How to Help Children and Teens to Stop and Think

    2. Share your ideas with other parents

    1. Behavior Management Strategies - The Basic Principles

    2. House Rules Worksheet

    3. Establishing House Rules

    4. Forming Effective Commands

    5. Manage Noncompliance

    6. Acknowledge Good Behavior

    7. Loss of Privileges and Time-outs

    8. Share with other parents

About this course

  • $79.00
  • 54 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content


5 star rating





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  • About P2P

    Parent to Parent: Family Training on ADHD provides parents with a comprehensive understanding of ADHD as well as strategies to improve life at home and school. Designed by parents for parents, this training provides information from the parent’s perspective.

  • About CHADD

    CHADD is a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit organization that empowers people affected by ADHD by providing evidence-based information; supporting individuals, their families, and professionals who assist them throughout their journeys; and advocating for equity, inclusion, and universal rights.