• About This Module

    Throughout this module, teachers will learn about various classroom and instructional strategies and identify the ones that can work for students with ADHD.

  • About T2T

    This self-paced course was modeled after CHADD's exclusive Teacher to Teacher: ADHD Goes to School Program. Educators will learn about the latest research, classroom techniques, interventions, and model programs for increasing school success of all students, including students with ADHD.

  • About CHADD

    Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), is a national nonprofit organization that improves the lives of people affected by ADHD through education, advocacy, and support.

Course curriculum

    1. 0.1 Navigating this Course

    2. 0.2 Course Overview

    3. 0.3 Course Objectives

    4. 0.4 About CHADD

    5. Pre-Course Survey

    1. 1.1 Overview

    2. 1.2 Goals

    3. 1.3 Understanding the Link Between Executive Functions and School Success

    4. 1.4 Key Teaching Principles

    5. 1.5 Key Teaching Principles - Knowledge Check

    1. 2.1 Improving Memory Deficits

    2. 2.2 Understanding the Impact of Limited Working Capacity

    3. 2.3 Knowledge Check: Memory Strategies

    1. 3.1 Improving Reading and Writing Skills

    2. 3.2 Poor Working Memory Impacts Reading Comprehension and Writing

    3. 3.3 Knowledge Review: Strategies to Improve Reading Comprehension and Writing

    4. 3.4 ADHD and Reading Disabilities

    5. 3.5 Low Stakes Writing

    1. 4.1 Students with ADHD Struggle with Math

    2. 4.2 Strategies to Improve Math Skills

    3. 4.3 Resources and Strategies to Improve Math Skills

    1. 5.1 Assignments: How Much is Too Much?

    2. 5.2 Homework Success Strategies

    3. 5.3 Long Term Projects: Making them Reasonable

    4. 5.4 Situational Variability of ADHD: Kids Work Longer if Interested

About this course

  • $79.00
  • 29 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content