P2P: Help Your Teen Prepare for College
Course4.5 average rating (2 reviews)To achieve success, students with ADHD can get a head start if they come to college with the right strategies to help them as they pursue their college career.
P2P: Overcome Homework Challenges
Course4.9 average rating (9 reviews)Homework can be a source of frustration and difficulty, particularly for students with ADHD. As a parent, you can help lessen that frustration by providing your child with ways to manage homework.
CON: 2021 ADHD Conference Workshops for Parents
CourseCHADD is pleased to offer a special selection of sessions for parents. If available, the handouts from each workshop are also provided.
P2P: Build Better Executive Function Skills
Course4.6 average rating (8 reviews)$69
P2P: Family Training on ADHD (Bundle)
P2P: Introduction to ADHD
Course4.6 average rating (17 reviews)Introduction to ADHD for parents.